Ultimate LED Fiberscope Sizes

The ONLY Fiberscope that can be


6mm Diameter Non-Conductive Safety Fiberscope with No Exposed Metal in lengths up to 3.0m (120”) Long


6mm Diameter Tungsten Braid Fiberscope in lengths up to 3.0m (120”) Long


8.5mm Diameter Fiberscope with a 2.8mm working Channel For SWAT and Special Operations Applications in standard lengths of 40” (1.0m) and up


10mm Diameter Extra Long Fiberscope – standard lengths 10 Ft (3.08m) and 20ft (6.096 M) - other lengths available to special order, other diameters to special order

Our high-performance fiberscopes provide clear, sharp images of inaccessible areas, making remote inspection, evaluation and imaging possible in almost any situation.

They offer durable construction and exceptional value in a range of diameters and lengths. A simple knob controls the articulation while a focusing eyepiece enhances high-resolution imaging and accommodates 35mm and video cameras. The Flexible shaft resists water, gasoline or diesel and jet fuels, simplifying inspection of liquid-filled vessels.

The Ultimate Fiberoptics Inspection System is a critical equipment addition for customs , police departments, and countless others who need extended visibility in otherwise inaccessible areas.

The Ultimate Fiberscope® is a Flexible Scope, 6 mm (.236 ins) diameter Flexible which provides a high-resolution image of difficult to reach areas. Looks around corners and into dark, deep recesses without the need for costly, dangerous or time-consuming teardowns. May be used in environments which are hostile to traditional fiberscopes. Gasoline, Diesel, ship and aviation fuel safe

The Ultimate Fiberscope® is a Flexible Scope, 6 mm (.236 ins) diameter Flexible which provides a high-resolution image of difficult to reach areas. Looks around corners and into dark, deep recesses without the need for costly, dangerous or time-consuming teardowns. May be used in environments which are hostile to traditional fiberscopes. Gasoline, Diesel, ship and aviation fuel safe

The revolutionary (Patent Applied for) design allows for the replacement of the articulation control cables by the operator in the field with minimal down time greatly reducing repair costs should the articulation cables break. This is an exclusive feature to our product.

What is a non conductive fiberscope?

This Fiberscope is constructed with no exposed metal parts on the distal end or flexible shaft by using a special urethane protective covering offering safety to the operator against static electricity. Especially important when using the Fiberscope in a potentially explosive or other hazardous environment.

What is a Tungsten Braid protected fiberscope?

Tungsten is strong, durable abrasion resistant metal that will protect the probe from rough edges and damage from wear during inspections giving many years of life. This type of fiberscope is supplied with an earthing/grounding strap to protect against static electricity discharge.

What is a Stay-put shaft?

Many fiberscopes are damaged by rough handling in the field and are difficult to use when inspecting Upwards or behind an object the Stayput shaft we have developed is aluminum, and serves more than one purpose. It attaches easily to the scope protecting the probe when packed in its case or when being transported. It enables the scope to be used to inspect object above the head – also it can go around or behind objects for inspections. It may also be used when introducing the probe into a cavity with rough edges that may damage the probe itself. It is a few inches shorter than the fiberscope probe allowing the tip to articulate without hindrance.

Ultimate LED Fiberscope Available in Different Diameters and Lengths
Fiberscope One Piece
LED LIGHTWEIGHT ONE PIECE “EVERYTHING-IN-THE-HANDLE” FIBERSCOPE COMPLETE AND READY FOR USE. Anticipated very long Life for the LED bulbs reaching several years.


Fiberscope Introduction
Fiberscopes Capturing Smugglers
Fiberscopes Capturing Smugglers
Fiberscope Operation Overview
Fiberscope Operation Overview
Common Vehicle Concealment Locations
Common Vehicle Concealment Locations
Examples of Hidden Contraband
Examples of Hidden Contraband

Is a 7.5 microcurie radiation source safer than 10 microcuries as competitors claim?

This paper is intended to explain the difference in the Effective Dose to humans between 2 different activities (7.5 uCi and 10 uCi) of 133Ba isotope used in a hand held contraband detector relative to ordinary risk we face in everyday life.

A competitor of ours has offered a version of their unit which is 7.5 microcuries of radiation against our 10 microcuries, claiming that this is safer for the user, In fact, the increased dose to a user of a 10 uCi source over a 7.5 uCi source for a worst case scenario is essentially equal to what one gets in one second of airplane flight on a cross country trip from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles, CA, a total flying time of up to five hours or 1 in 18,000

10 Microcurie Source

Now let’s compare both these radiation source activities and the actual working life of the source. The working life is based on the sources initial activity and the half-life of the isotope. For 133Ba, the half-life is 10.53 years. So for a 7.5 uCi source, the working life is about 35-40% less than the working life of a 10 uCi source. This translates that the dollar per dollar cost of the 7.5 uCi source is much higher than the cost of the 10 uCi source! And finally another consideration is the scanning time for the contraband detector. Excluding other factors involved, a 7.5 uCi source has 25% less photons/sec output than a 10 uCi source and this in turn increases the length of time it takes to complete a scan. This also may reduce the probability of positively identifying a concealed item (contraband)

The Xpose has graphing & digital display, available tablet remote control of all functions and is MIL STD 810G - Water Resistant to IP56 (waterproof available on request) - ISO9001:2008 and most importantly sold under an Exempt Radiation License from the NRC. In other words virtually no restrictions on sale, possession of transfer of the unit.

Our competitor has none of these features.

In short, when comparing the 2 activities (7.5 uCi and 10 uCi) 133Ba sources in hand held contraband detection systems: For those interested in the science and math behind these conclusions we do have a detailed white paper available upon request.

Radiation Licensing


There are several important points that users and potential users of the New Technology SAS-Hitech-Xpose Contraband Detector should be aware of. In order to simplify ownership of this device, SAS-Hitech-Xpose has been developed and licensed under United States Law as an Exempt device. Other density meters of this type are licensed under a General license. There are highly important differences between the two types of licenses. Here are a couple of the major differences:


General licensed (competitors product) requirements (per their own manual):
  • Rope or cordoning off the area to keep people away
  • Contact public health (radiological authorities) and emergency services provider for assistance
  • Notify the manufacturer
Exempt license requirements (SAS-Hitech-Xpose)

Pick up unit and send it to Authorized Service Center or factory for repair (nothing more)


General license (competitors) requirements:

The device is assigned to a specific location and cannot be assigned to another location without written notification to the radiation regulatory entity (State or Federal as applicable). If the device is given or transferred to another location, even if it is with the same agency (i.e. if PD Precinct 5 gives it to PD Precinct 6), a transfer of location must be filed by the user (licensee) prior to transfer. Failure to do so is subject to fine and reprimand.

Disposal of General Licensed unit: The user MUST dispose of the device as Hazardous waste and transfer to a license disposal facility. This can be done, under US law by:
  • Exporting the device in accordance with NRC regulations found in 10CFR§110
  • Transfer to a Specific Licensee authorized to receive the device with supporting documentation.
  • Transfer to another General Licensee under strict regulations found in 10CFR§31.5(c)(9) or equivalent Agreement State regulations.
Exempt license requirement (SAS-Hitech-Xpose)
  • Remove label and throw away in regular garbage.
Or for transfer of ownership
  • No restriction. It can be given it to whomever, whenever, wherever required. No paperwork/transfer licenses/authorizations required.

Available Readyscope Lengths

Readyscope Configuration Kit
4 Way Knob Articulation
40" length (1.0m)
Readyscope Configuration Kit
4 Way Knob Articulation
60" length (1.0m)
Readyscope Configuration Kit
4 Way Knob Articulation
80" length (1.0m)
Readyscope Configuration Kit
4 Way Knob Articulation
120" length (3.0m)
Customization available please ask a SASRAD representative.